Course Description

Designed for non-practitioners, the Honors Seminar is a four (4) hour place-based and customized training specific to the unique needs of the market area in which it is taught. This training will benefit elected officials, volunteers, community leaders and citizens, business leaders and others interested in and engaged in economic development leadership.


  • Place-based seminars are tailored to fit the unique needs of each participating community.
  • Participants will receive a certificate of completion from ECU.
  • Enrollment is limited to 20 participants per seminar.

Learning Objectives

  • Key terms, concepts and principles of economic development.
  • Differentiation of economic growth and economic development.
  • Descriptions of base economy, market area, traded clusters, and supply chains.
  • Determination of concepts and strategies most relevant to community needs.
  • Understand Triple Helix approach to economic development.
  • Articulate realistic community goals and priorities.

For more information or to schedule a Honors Seminar, please contact Annette Kariko at or call the ECU Continuing and Professional Education office at 252-328-9198.

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