
Course Description

What if you found out you could live a healthy life lasting for 500 years—or longer? Advances in medical sciences raise the theoretical possibility that biomedical technology could dramatically prolong or even indefinitely extend healthy human life via genetic engineering, tissue engineering, robotics, or combinations of these and other means. Not that long ago, superlongevity was the stuff of science fiction. No more. Preliminary developments are unfolding in university, government, hospital, and corporate labs around the world. A few journalists are reporting this story, and a few scientists, ethicists, and authors are debating it. The media carries stories about relevant medical breakthroughs and occasionally suggests their more radical implications. However, the significance of these developments has not yet dawned in the public’s mind. If the science of “practical immortality” is realized and the technology becomes widely available, it would arguably have a more radical impact than any other development in human history and raises intriguing religious questions, as well as economic, political, and social ones. This topic constitutes a most urgent public debate that needs to occur in our society.

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