
Course Description

It can be very unsettling when someone you know receives a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or other form of dementia. What can you do to help the person? What should you say, or not say? Is it even possible to comfort someone with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease? The presentation "What to Do When Someone You Know is Diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease" will offer insights to the answers to these questions and discuss how can you help in the most meaningful ways possible. We will share information about the importance of visiting and how to make visits meaningful. Learn about ways of helping the person with the diagnosis and his or her family. We will discuss how to "bridge the gap" and have fun conversations with your friend who has Alzheimer's disease both in person and over the phone. Lastly, we will cover the topic of engaging activities for people with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia living at home. Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can be scary for both the person receiving the diagnosis and the people who care about the person. Understanding how you can be an integral part of the person's life is essential to providing the support he or she needs on their journey with Alzheimer's disease.

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